

Any discussion about God would be incomplete without a discussion about us. God is all about relationship. Relationship with me and with you and with every creature animate or inanimate in all of creation. We are all His creation and we are all loved by Him.

But I don't think that goes far enough. From my personal observations of creation, I have come to the conclusion that God loves diversity. There are WAY more kinds of grass out there than any reasonable landscape architect would need. Same for trees and flowers. Same for us.

I can't speak for you but I know that I worry about my bumps and blemishes. I have this idea that there is such a thing as a "model" 77 year old man and I should match the model. I think God's intention was the opposite. I think that God keeps making people, in spite of my firm belief that we already have too many, because in His mind, He hasn't made two identical yet and He is still waiting to see what comes next.

I think God delights in our variety. I think God wants us to develop our idiosyncracies, not suppress them.

If you look at a picture of any virus, or antibody, or any other microscopic living thing, they are all poky as can be. I can imagine myself with all those spikes and clubs and appendages. Unapproachable as all get out. I feel like I have to smooth out all those spikes in my character so that I will not put other people off.

Surprise! It turns out that at the microscopic level all those spikes are exactly what allows bonding between organisms. My weirdness matches your weirdness and suddenly we have a extremely strong bond.

I don't think God wants us to polish off our bumps so we do not offend anyone. Rather, I think God is waiting for us to benefit from those bumps, and to pass that benefit on to the rest of mankind. When one bumpy person collides with another bumpy person there is always the possibility of something unique and miraculous resulting. And for all the other 99% of collisions that are just a bit uncomfortable, that is why we are suppossed to be developing our love.

At least that is the way I see it.