If you have been following this in sequence, you already know that I believe God is the creator, and you know I base this opinion on the scientific evidence of the BigBang. From there it is pretty hard to go anywhere but, THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD. As far as we know, there is only one universe. There are some interesting theories about how additional parallel universes might exist, but I am unaware of any way in which we can get outside of our own to find out. So, until science breaks open that door, I am staying with what we know. There is only one universe. From what we know, it is a single tapestry from a single loom. It is all made of the same stuff and it all follows the same principals. Furthermore, the same gravity effects us from one side to the next, and the same light passes between us from one side to the other. Finally, it all seems to have emanated from the same original event. I suppose one could posit that God is a committee, but I would see that more as a question of the nature of God, than a question of whether there is more than one God. For me the easy answer is ONLY ONE GOD.