In my 77th year, I have decided that I would really like to share some of what I have concluded. I use "concluded" intentionally rather than "learned". To me, learned implies a rigorous approach to a subject. Ask a question, read the literature, study the implications, and integrate the conclusions. I can not honestly use the word "learned" in respect to my own personal growth. Concluded is more honest.
Based on my general observations of society, I would say that not many openly espouse my points of view. However, based on my rather selected social contacts, there is a lot of underground interest. So my point for this blog is to offer confirmation for those who may have interest, but who have limited it to underground.
My conclusions, at least those not in the social mainstream, are the products of two things: Time spent in the wilderness and time spent meditating on the nature of God. They tend to occur simultaneously.
If you read this material, please understand, I don't claim to be "RIGHT". I hope to give you something to think about. My hope is that you will run it through your own experience, and come up with something that is uniquely useful to you.
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